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Junior Sailing Code of Conduct

The goal of the AYC Junior Sailing Program is to provide a fun and safe summer experience for all of our junior sailors. We aspire to instill a lifelong love of sailing. We will teach good seamanship and we expect all participants to practice good sportsmanship. Participation in our program is contingent upon complying with this code.

These expectations are designed to provide a positive and safe learning environment for all of our sailors:
1.    Obey the instructors.
2.    Treat everyone with respect and cooperation.
3.    Handle AYC property and equipment with care.
4.    Do not use inappropriate language.


It is rare for a Code violation  to occur. If one does occur, the following consequences will result:
1.    First violation:  Verbal warning.
2.    Second violation:  Parent notified.
3.    Third violation:  Sailor will miss a day of sailing.
4.    Fourth violation:  Sailor will immediately leave the program for the season.

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 51 Ocean Avenue,  PO Box 328,  Kennebunkport,  Maine   04046       

207-967-3060       ©2024 by Arundel Yacht Club

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